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Privacy Policy

Last updated: April 2023

Our privacy policy is simple because we don’t really process your personal information, we only use the information you provide us with to maintain contact with you and provide you with an obligation free quotation.

Our website uses analytics or analysis tools for statistical analysis of user behavior's. Your IP address will be anonymized immediately during this process so that you are not identifiable to us as a user. We use this de-identified data to:

  • optimize the functionality, accessibility, performance and stability of the website,

  • see what, generally speaking, people are interested in when searching to find a service provider.

We don’t share your personal information with anyone.

We may process your personal information when you yourself give it to us, for example when you contact us. We’ll only use it for this purpose.

We do not share our customers information with any third party whatsoever. We may contact our customers in future to offer additional services or to book a routine maintenance inspection.

We value our customers dearly and strive to achieve absolute perfection on every job we do. Any complaints will be dealt with promptly and efficiently and can be directed to us using the following details:



Tel: 012 653 0026 or 061 426 4378


Should you our valued customer, for any reason,  have any complaints that we cannot resolve amicably, through reasonable dialect, hereby notify you that you may contact the Damp and Waterproofing Association of South Africa to report the matter: 


Tel: 086 10(DWASA)39272

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